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Welcome to the MP Blog, a go-to source for the latest game news, industry insights, and updates on our own games. As game designers, we provide fresh perspectives on board gaming, from in-depth reviews to behind-the-scenes looks at our design process. Explore the ever-evolving world of gaming with us!
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Short Stories: Explore the immersive world of Everstone and its diverse cast of characters as we constantly build on the narrative, adding layers of depth to the world and themes presented in our game.
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Origins Takeaways
This blog discusses the lessons I learned from my first convention as someone looking to enter the board game space as a self-publisher.
Prepping for a Convention
Nerves can sometimes get the best of you. This blog talks about my nerves leading up to the Origins Game Fair and how creating one thing has helped with keeping my nerves at bay.
Western Legends
I don’t fancy myself a collector in the board game space, but Western Legends might be an exception. Learn about our collection culling process and why Western Legends might get an exemption.
Second Chances.
Sometimes your gut will tell you to play a game a second time even when the first play was not great. This blog goes into how I was wrong about Dune: Imperium.
Everstone Diary: Entry One
This Is Diary entry one for Everstone. In this design dairy, I discuss the two starting mechanisms created early in the game’s development that are cornerstones in the shaping of Everstone.
Where are you in your Journey?
This blog discusses the reflection on where I’m at in my own journey through the board game hobby.