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Welcome to the MP Blog, a go-to source for the latest game news, industry insights, and updates on our own games. As game designers, we provide fresh perspectives on board gaming, from in-depth reviews to behind-the-scenes looks at our design process. Explore the ever-evolving world of gaming with us!
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Short Stories: Explore the immersive world of Everstone and its diverse cast of characters as we constantly build on the narrative, adding layers of depth to the world and themes presented in our game.
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Publishers That Don’t Settle
Sometimes being the most cost-efficient product won’t help long-term. This blog highlights Five games with higher quality pieces that enhance the gameplay and aren’t “just pretty pieces.”
Second Chances
With such a large quantity of published games, often, games that don’t have a great first impression don’t see a second play. This blog dives deeper into five games I’ve given a second chance. Spoiler…. I’m glad I played them a second time.
5 Games Someone Should Publish Before I Do
This Blog looks back on the last two months of our 5-minute game design challenges and highlights the top 5 concepts I'd like to see developed further.
Acts of Kindness
I was on the other end of a moment of kindness recently. It had me reflect on the impact kindness has on others. In this blog, I discuss the moment of kindness and the cause and effect it's had on my thinking.
Five Reasons To Play the Board Game Everstone
This blog discusses the top five reasons Everstone feels different than any game on the market currently. Find out the top reasons why I think Everstone is worth playing.
Lessons from Playtesting Everstone
This blog goes into the lessons I've gathered from playtesting Everstone. It discusses mistakes I've learned from and provides tips to improve your playtests.
The Starting Point of Everstone
In this blog post, we discuss the initial event that caused the development of Everstone to start. We discuss the lead up to the decision to start developing the game, and we highlight other board games that influenced the initial design process.
The Game that Started the Collection
I can't fully credit Heroscape as the game that pushed me into designing Everstone, but it was the first game that started the collection. Today's blog post explains why the board game means so much to me.
The Biggest lesson I learned from Studying Industrial design
How Intro to Industrial Design lessons have translated to board game development. Today’s post discusses the soft skills I learned from Owen Foster that I still use in my design process today.