The Game that Started the Collection

This blog was supposed to go up yesterday, but I got lost in 8+ hours of Scripting in Tabletop Simulator…. You should check out the latest version of the game by joining the discord.

I’m very proud of the updates I was able to get done. The scripting makes the game much more accessible for everyone to play (especially if they are unfamiliar with TTS). Reach out in the discord; I’d love for anyone to playtest it!

With all of the excuses out of the way, Today, I want to pay honors to the game that secretly first started my board game addiction. At the time of writing this, we currently have around 120 games in our collection and have played over 500 different published board games. There are many games in the collection that have great memories attached to them, but there is only one that gets to take the title of being the first. 

Heroscape, The game that got me hooked.

Heroscape was a game I got almost two decades ago as a Christmas present from my parents. This Christmas was memorable not only for getting the game but it was my first time seeing my cousin Tommy in over four years! 

“No way, you got Heroscape! I love that game!”

That was the first thing out of his mouth when he got to my parent's house. We stayed up until 2 am the next three days playing the game together. It's a core memory I will always have in gaming. 

Fast forward to the present day, Heroscape is still in the collection. It doesn’t get played a ton (if at all), but it will always have a spot in the collection. I wanted to finish the blog by sharing five Heroscape memories I remember fondly.

1. Christmas With Tommy

I shared the story already, but I will always think of Tommy first when I do anything Heroscape.

2. The hunt for new characters

Every new place I visited with my parents, I loved to go to the little game shops to look for new characters to buy

3. Setting up Maps in my room

I was always fascinated by the puzzle/toy aspect of the hex tile map pieces. Throughout middle school, I would build these crazy landscapes on my bedroom floor. The map building and team drafting in Heroscape I actually enjoyed more than the gameplay.

4. Keeping it in the closet of my dorm room

I attended boarding school for high school, and Heroscape always made the trip with me every move-in day for all four years. I think it only got pulled out twice while at boarding school, but it was always there, ready to be played.

5. Mik asking to play

For anyone new, Mikayla is my fiance. I remember when we first met; my dad brought up Heroscape in front of her. I felt embarrassed because I figured she thought I was a nerd, but instead, she asked more about it and said she wanted to learn it! That’s when I knew she was the one.

Have you ever played Heroscape? Let me know in the comments below!




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