The Benefits of Board Games

Today’s blog was going to talk about my top 10 games I would never sell and why, but that blog will go up next Thursday. After watching Foster the Meeple’s most recent video, I decided to call an audible.

It was a very impactful video, in which Jeff and Jamie discuss “Why Board Games are Good for you.” They do a great job of sharing reasons to play board games. I agree with all of the points they make and would highly suggest watching.

It got me thinking along the same lines as Jeff and Jamie, but I’m going to give my list a little twist today.

Five Things I appreciate About board games

  1. It’s reconnected me with old friends.

    Tyler and Ryan are both two friends I’ve had since middle school. Growing up has had us drift in different ways, but the shared interest in the hobby has allowed us to connect and hang out more in the last year than we had in the previous 5. I appreciate that board games have brought these friendships back into my life.

  2. It’s made me comfortable in my own skin.

    I’ve never felt uncomfortable in being who I am, but board games have created a space where I can lean into all of my personality that makes me me. I appreciate that board games have given me the comfort of showing off the nerdier side of my personality.

  3. It’s awakened my creativity. 

    I’ve never thought of myself as an artist or a designer (even though I went to an art school); I just have seen myself as a “problem solver.” Through this process of board game design, I’ve realized that I am creative (no matter what certain high school teachers say). I appreciate that board games have allowed me to believe in my creativity.

  4. It’s given me a home.

    As someone who can’t help but always be self-reflective, it’s tough sometimes to have my brain shut off. Tabletop games have created this space where I can give my mind a break and play. I appreciate that board games have given my brain a pause button.

  5. I’ve found my permanent player two.

    I wouldn’t say that I found Mikayla through board gaming, but board gaming throughout our relationship has proven that she’s the one. I appreciate the relationship board games have allowed us to build together. I can’t wait to marry you, Mikayla!

What is something that board games have unexpectedly given you an appreciation for? I’d genuinely love to know.


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